Terms and Conditions of Sale

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen Pimenta-piripiri, Inhaberin Angelika Fernandes Costa für gewerbliche und Privat-/Internetkunden mit Datenschutzerklärung


The terms and conditions of sale stated below are valid for all purchases at Pimenta-piripiri - Angelika Fernandes Costa -, Langer Lohberg 9, 23552 Lübeck, (Germany) carried out with


Entering the contract

A contract will be established with the order confirmation which will be sent to the Buyer by mail or e-mail, once the order form has been filled out and completed correctly.

Revocation of Instructions

The Buyer may cancel a contract (by mail or e-mail), without putting forward any special reasons. This right applies as long as the revocation is received at the following address within 14 days of the original order.

Angelika Fernandes Costa
Langer Lohberg 9
23552 Lübeck

E-Mail: info@pimenta-piripiri.eu

The last opportunity to cancel the contract is when the Goods are delivered. After cancellation and until the return of the Goods, Pimenta-piripiri is responsible for the costs.

The responsibility of Pimenta-piripiri applies only to orders valued up to €60 – over this amount, the Buyer is responsible for the costs of return.

There is no right of revocation for those Goods which are not suitable for return-delivery, due to their condition or perishable nature, or when the 'best before'-date has expired.
As long as it is not regulated differently, Pimenta-piripiri will take the costs.

The Buyer has to take the costs of a return-delivery if the Goods comply with the description in the catalogue, and when the price does not excede 60 Euro; or in that case, when the Buyer has not paid the full price at the time of revocation; finally, when any counter-offer or a settled agreement on a partial payment is not set up.

Prices and Delivery

The price is a final price as stated on the Seller's current list price or website, including the VAT-taxes that are prescribed by German law. In addition, there will be an extra flat rate tariff for delivery to Germany and other European states.

Conditions of Payment

The payment must be made into the following bank account only, and is due when the order is confirmed. Discounts are only available special contracts.

Bank account: 20430 205
Bank Code number: 200 100 20
Bank: Postbank Hamburg

For transfers from other European countries:

IBAN: DE57 2001 0020 0020 4302 05

Set-Off and Right of Retention

The Buyer is entitled to carry out the set-off and right of retention if justified claims or complaints are confirmed before a court or when they are undisputable. The right to retain goods is only valid when the buyer makes a claim on the basis of the same contract.


Delivery times are dependent on timely and complete fulfilment of the order form and payment. Our products are always freshly produced, and consequently we ask you to allow 14 days for delivery, following payment.

If the Buyer is responsible in any way for the delay in delivery, Pimenta-piripiri is entitled to ask for a refund of costs incurred. If the Buyer is not responsible, costs must be evidenced to Pimenta-piripiri.

All other legal rights of the Buyer, in case of a delay of delivery by Pimenta-piripiri or its agents, or bad quality of the product, remain untouched.

Delivery is generally carried out by mail - large orders will be sent through a shipping agency.


For Goods delivered from the FRG the German laws of warranty are valid (§§ 434, BGB).
In cases where the goods are obviously damaged (including damage through transport) these damages must be reported immediately upon receipt, and at the latest 14 days after receipt with a detailed description of the damage. If these conditions are neglected warranty will not be upheld.

Defects in products, that are not immediately evident – for example in bottled products – must also be reported.
The characteristics of single ingredients (e.g. the hotness of chili shells) cannot be guaranteed by Pimenta-piripiri.
We can only warrant for damage of the Goods as received. Claims for compensation for damages arising from previous damages can only be answered if the quality of the Goods does not comply with the contract.

Damages arising from poor quality or imperishability which have not occurred at the Goods as such, I can only warrant, if the risk of such a damage obviously is covered by the warranty expressis verbis.  
Damages which have been caused by careless handling, or violation of life or health, or the violation of duties arising from the contract, ('cardinal obligations') are also warranted.

Minor damage of a nature which is non-essential to the contract is not warranted. Similarly   any further warranty relating to non-descript claims or claims lacking legal status is denied.

These warranty provisions apply solely to Pimenta-piripiri, and its partners and personnel.

The Buyer is entitled to cancel the contract or reduce the price of the Goods in case of justified complaints – according to the legal regulations of warranty applicable to consumer products.

The Buyer is obliged to return the Goods to Pimenta-piripiri in good condition if the contract is cancelled.

Ownership Proviso

Until all claims resulting from the contract are resolved, the Goods remain in the ownership of Pimenta-piripiri. The Buyer has a duty to handle the Goods with care, until ownership has been established.


Contracts made with Pimenta-piripiri, are subject to the laws of the FRG, excluding expressis verbis the UN-charter of purchases. These provisions apply when the Buyer is ordering Goods from another country, or the delivery has to be made to a country other than Germany.

The place of jurisdiction in the case of contract disputes, in all cases, is Lübeck.

Data Protection

Dear Buyer,

Thank you for contacting my web site, and for showing interest in my products.

The bank data required is solely for the purpose of processing your order and money-transfer.

I will use your personal data to communicate with you about my products and services, and for maintaining customer records.  The data will not be passed to any third party.

The Buyer accepts that Pimenta-piripiri will use the personal data supplied as detailed above.